SQL Server / Missing Indexes Query / DMV / Email Alert

SQL Server / Missing Indexes Query / DMV / Email Alert
This is an example of missing index query (DMV) of the database within email alert, we already had examples how you can use sp_send_dbmail stored procedure from msdb database to send backup size email daily,  long-running queries report and how to send missing indexes (Cached Plans) report via email. This is just another use case of sp_send_dbmail stored procedure. I used following arguments to achieve this @profile_name (name of an existing Database Mail profile, type sysname, default NULL), If you are not sure about your profile account use...
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Powershell / Azure Automation / Delete older Containers from Azure Storage Account

Powershell / Azure Automation / Delete older Containers from Azure Storage Account
This will be a simple example of how you can delete older containers in the Azure storage account. I will use Azure automation to scan storage containers and delete those matching the certain date pattern. First, you need to choose an existing one or create new automation account to run your Runbooks   You should put the script within your Runbooks under the process automation. You will have some useful tutorial Runbooks as well.   We will use connection name with information needed to authenticate with...
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