SQL Server / SSMS / Expanding Indexes List Query

SQL Server / SSMS / Expanding Indexes List Query
Same as in previous posts examples Expanding Tables List Query and Expanding Columns List Query I usually do not notice this type of queries working in the background. But recently I end up working with a customer having DB with over 500K indexes, 150K tables and expanding indexes list operation can end up being slower than usual. Here is the code: SELECT i.name AS [Name], 'Server[@Name=' + quotename(CAST( serverproperty(N'Servername') AS sysname),'''') + ']' + '/Database[@Name=' + quotename(db_name(),'''') + ']' + '/Table[@Name=' +...
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SQL Server / SSMS / Expanding Columns List Query

SQL Server / SSMS / Expanding Columns List Query
Same as in previous post example Expanding Tables List Query I usually do not notice this type of queries working in the background. But recently I end up working with a customer having DB with 150K tables, some of the tables have more than 500 columns, and expanding columns list operation can end up being slower than usual. Here is the code: SELECT clmns.name AS [Name], 'Server[@Name=' + quotename(CAST( serverproperty(N'Servername') AS sysname),'''') + ']' + '/Database[@Name=' + quotename(db_name(),'''') + ']' + '/Table[@Name=' +...
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SQL Server / SSMS / Expanding Tables List Query

SQL Server / SSMS / Expanding Tables List Query
Usually I do not even notice this query working in the background, since this operation is quite fast. But recently I end up working with a customer having DB with 150K tables, and expanding table list operation can be really slow and expensive. Here is the code: SELECT tbl.name AS [Name], SCHEMA_NAME(tbl.schema_id) AS [Schema], 'Server[@Name=' + quotename(CAST( serverproperty(N'Servername') AS sysname),'''') + ']' + '/Database[@Name=' + quotename(db_name(),'''') + ']' + '/Table[@Name=' + quotename(tbl.name,'''') + ' and @Schema=' +...
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PowerShell / SQL Server / Generate SQL Script to Restore Multiple Transaction Logs

PowerShell / SQL Server / Generate SQL Script to Restore Multiple Transaction Logs
Restore multiple TRN logs using PowerShell. In this example I will show you really simple way how you can use PowerShell to restore multiple logs at once. After restoring full backup WITH NORECOVERY you need to figure it out last log sequence number of the last transaction in the backup set. TRN Log backups must be restored in the order in which they were created. Log backups contain log sequence numbers (LSN), and they must be restored in that particular order. There are few ways to find last LSN. USE msdb GO SELECT TOP 10 bck.database_name...
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Azure / PowerShell / Deploy Azure SQL database DR environment (PaaS) using PowerShell

Azure / PowerShell / Deploy Azure SQL database DR environment (PaaS) using PowerShell
Script Download: The script with usage example is available for download from https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/Deploy-Azure-SQL-DR-47dfa7f7 Summary: Use PowerShell to create cloud DR environment using Azure SQL Databases (PaaS) and send Email Report with the connection string details   Description: Use PowerShell to deploy cloud service with Azure SQL Database (PaaS) with good resilience to outages (GEO Replications, Failover Groups) PowerShell: Connect to Azure Account, Use existing or create new Resource Group, Create primary...
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Azure / SQL Server / Azure SQL Database Disaster Recovery / Orphaned Users / Different SIDs

Azure / SQL Server / Azure SQL Database Disaster Recovery / Orphaned Users / Different SIDs
If you are using Azure SQL Database with geo-replication or auto failover group and if you are using logins and users rather than contained users you can end up with the following error when you try to connect to the secondary/failover database after failover occured.   If you already created a login on the failover server using SQL command -- ====================================================================================== -- Create SQL Login template for Azure SQL Database and Azure SQL Data Warehouse Database --...
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Azure / SQL Server / Rename an Azure SQL database

Azure / SQL Server / Rename an Azure SQL database
We had one customer who was moving his Azure SQL Database from Elastic Pool to Standalone Database. At the same time, he wanted to change database name as well. Azure database was part of an existing failover group (two elastic pools) and geo-replicated to the new future Azure SQL Server. Changing the database name is not allowed if the database is part of the replication   If the database is not part of replication we can use two different approaches to rename it, using: SQL Server Management Studio or Transact-SQL Note: This refers...
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Azure / SQL Server / This location is not available for subscription

Azure / SQL Server / This location is not available for subscription
During deployment of Azure SQL Server in Canada East location (new Azure Subscription) I got the following error: Using Azure Portal   Using Powershell   At the same time if I list all available azure location for the current subscription I can see that Canada East is there Get-AzureRmLocation | select displayname   The reason is that Canada East region is not activated for my new Azure Subscription. To resolve this issue just contact the Azure support to have this enabled for you. You can do this for free using support page on...
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Creating a new and altering existing indexes on the big tables can be time-consuming. There is a simple way to see the progress of the CREATE / ALTER INDEX command. Since SQL Server 2014 we can use sys.dm_exec_query_profiles DMV to monitor real-time query progress. sys.dm_exec_query_profiles (SQL SERVER 2014 and above) “Monitors real-time query progress while the query is in execution. For example, use this DMV to determine which part of the query is running slow. Join this DMV with other system DMVs using the columns identified in the...
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PowerShell / SQL Server / ConnectionContext.StatementTimeout

PowerShell / SQL Server / ConnectionContext.StatementTimeout
Recently I had an issue with a database backup PowerShell script one of our customer using. The script was working fine until trying to do a backup of the large database. During backup attempts script starts failing with the following error: Exception calling "SqlBackup" with "1" argument(s): "Backup failed for Server 'ServerName'. " At line:67 char:1 + $dbBackup.SqlBackup($s) + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : FailedOperationException Exception calling...
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